My husband and I met Dr. Sandra Rose Michael early in 2005 to 2006 at one of our Toronto Total Health Expo Events. I became intrigued with her technology and I felt it would be tremendous to offer this to my clients. At the time of my purchase, the product was extremely more expensive then it is today but I knew it would be well worth my investment. It certainly showed to be of phenomenal benefit as I witnessed great, and at times, unusual healing with so many clients over the years. My clients were very pleased to experience the power and ease of the EEsystem.
Since I also operated a scanning device called Gas Discharge Visualization Camera out of Russia, ( now called BioWell) , I decided to research the differences of my clients' experiences by scanning their bio-field before and after their EESystem sessions. In seeing my client's bio-field, I was able to also suggest key essential oils for my client's particular needs that were used while in the EES chamber. It added greatly to the experience during and afterwards in their detox program. (see my article below showcasing before and after pics).
In 2006, I opened the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. I organized a Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Institute of Energy Wellness Studies (now called with the Mayor of Brampton, Susan Fennell, to cut the ribbon along with myself, Institute Director Dr. Sabina DeVita. Then Dr. Sandra Rose led us into a Hawaiin prayer & ceremony before the presentations. The Institute at that time housed one of the EESystems. It was a most delightful, unique and memorable event.!!
The system has now been updated featuring the latest EE-Qube to this new location, at the AmoreVita Country Get Away!
Pictures of Dr. Sandra and myself with the Mayor of Brampton city.
Before & After GDV Kirlian Images following a one hour EES session
The GDV scanner, now called Bio-Well device was the same technology used back in 2006 and onward. I still use Bio-Well today and have taught many students worldwide over the years in how to use this one-of-a-kind device! Visit Bio-Well for more details.
Below are some of the documents that I wrote at the time, using this technology, called GDV Kirlian Bio-Well, and documents can also be found on the developer's website at
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Video below where Dr. Sandra Rose Michael presented at The Extraordinary Technology
conference in 2017.
She presents some of my earlier research in her presentation as well.
conference in 2017.
She presents some of my earlier research in her presentation as well.
How to use Scalar Energy
- recent video April 2022
- recent video April 2022
After sessions maintenance
(the medallions and bracelets if available)
EE system personnel have developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process to embed the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions, bracelets, and other products. We know that the scalar waves nullify the electro pollution in our environment. This includes the electromagnetic waves from cell phones, televisions, computer screens, power lines, toxins, pollution, radiation, and microwaves.
These medallions and bracelets create a buffer to your environment by nullifying the electro pollution.
Essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is the optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product. The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
See Medallion samples click here
(the medallions and bracelets if available)
EE system personnel have developed their very own proprietary and highly effective process to embed the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions, bracelets, and other products. We know that the scalar waves nullify the electro pollution in our environment. This includes the electromagnetic waves from cell phones, televisions, computer screens, power lines, toxins, pollution, radiation, and microwaves.
These medallions and bracelets create a buffer to your environment by nullifying the electro pollution.
Essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is the optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product. The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:
- Builds a general body vitality level.
- Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
- Enhances resistance capacity.
- Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
- Increases focus and concentration.
- Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
- Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
- Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
- Increases DNA protection.
See Medallion samples click here

Dr. DeVita Recommends:
Seed to Seal Bio-Dynamic Essential Oils that work well in one's healing journey, especially with the EES.
Young Living Essential Oils
Seed to Seal Bio-Dynamic Essential Oils that work well in one's healing journey, especially with the EES.
Young Living Essential Oils